Bariatric surgery is the set of surgical procedures used to treat obesity, seeking the reduction of body weight and an alternative to treatment with other non-surgical means.
Sleeve or Gastric tube
The sleeve or gastric tube consists of the removal of approximately 80% of the stomach, turning it into a kind of tube or hose.
In this way, it is possible to reduce the amount of food that the patient ingests thanks to two mechanisms:
- The stomach capacity is lower.
- Partial removal of the stomach causes the patient to secrete less ghrelin, an appetite regulating hormone.
The sleeve or gastric tube is advisable for patients with a Body Mass Index between 35 and 45.
Advantages of the Sleeve or Gastric Tube
- The anatomy and natural functioning of the stomach is preserved, which maintains its natural filling and emptying system.
- The production of ghrelin, a hormone that regulates appetite, is reduced, so that the feeling of hunger is reduced.
- It has a lower operative risk, as no crossing or bypass between intestines is performed.
- The sleeve or gastric tube is a purely restrictive procedure. That is, the patient will eat a smaller amount of food, but will absorb the ingested nutrients in a normal manner.
- Since the natural functioning of the stomach is preserved, the patient can eat practically everything they wish.
Surgical procedure, postoperative convalescence and follow-up.
The procedure lasts approximately 2 hours. The recovery process is swift, meaning the hospital stay is usually 3-4 days.
At 8 days post-op, the patient can return to their usual activity, as long as no excessive physical exertion is performed. After 1 month, they can carry out physical exertion and play sports.
From the moment you step out your front door, to the moment you return home, our team will plan and organise everything.
Gastric Bypass
oux Y gastric bypass consists of reducing the stomach, creating a small gastric pouch that restricts food intake to small volumes.
- It allows us to obtain excellent results in the short, medium and long-term, achieving decreases of excess weight at 5 years of 70%.
- It provides a very high standard of living.
- Very side effects have been described.
- It is an excellent surgical option for gourmands and patients who cannot resist snacking between meals.
- It allows for quick recovery.
Surgical procedure, postoperative convalescence and follow-up.
The duration of the procedure is variable. It can take from an hour and a half to three hours.
The patient spends the first hours in the resuscitation unit or ICU for better immediate postoperative control, then returning to the ward.
At 48 hours after the procedure, a radiological control is performed, before restarting the progressive oral diet through bariatric surgery protocol.
The discharge occurs after 5 days.
At 8 days post-op, the patient can return to their usual activity, as long as no excessive physical exertion is performed.
After one month has elapsed, they can carry out physical exertion and play sports.
It allows for the accomplishment of satisfactory results in 95% of patients, making it the technique par excellence for most surgeons.