Premium healthcare destination in Spain
All-inclusive weight loss treatment and surgery in Cádiz, Spain.
Plan your all-in medical trip to Spain and receive expert weight loss treatment or bariatric surgery at Hospital Dr. López Cano. You only have to pack your bags, our team will take care of everything else.




Care in English

Medical Tests


Hospital Stay

From the moment you step out your front door, to the moment you return home, our team will plan and organise everything.
Flights and transfers // Accomodation in Spain // Transfers to and from the hospital // Medical tests // Medical procedures // Local leisure and activities
Specialist Medical Team
Dr. Antonio López Cano
Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, graduate of University of Cádiz.
Medical Specialist in General and Digestive Surgery
- Hospital Dr. López Cano (Spain, Cádiz)
- Eco-Doppler y ecoendoscopia en la Universidad de Bolonia (Italy)
- Universidad de California, San Diego (USA)
- Experto en Ecografía Gastroenterológica, “European School of Ultrasonography”
- Ecografía Doppler Hospital Santa Orsola de la Universidad de Bolonia.

Dr. Gonzalo Pablo Martín Martín
Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, graduate of University of Cádiz.
Medical Specialist in General and Digestive Surgery
- Hospital Dr. López Cano (Spain, Cádiz)
- Hospital General Universitario de Valencia (Valencia, Spain)
- Centro Médico Teknon Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain)
- Hospital Universitari Dexeus (Barcelona, Spain)
- Hospital Sanitas CIMA (Barcelona, Spain)
- Hospital de Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain)
- Clínica Sagrada Familia (Barcelona, Spain)
- Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain)
- Hospital Universitario Son Espases Palma (Palma, Spain)
Dr. Paolo Fabiano
Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, graduate of University “La Sapienza” in Rome.
Medical Specialist in General and Digestive Surgery
- Hospital Dr. López Cano (Spain, Cádiz)
- Hospital Quiron Campo de Gibraltar (Cádiz, Spain)
- Hospital Quiron Marbella ( Málaga, Spain)
- Hospital de Tivoli (Rome, Italy)
- Hospital Universitario “Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg-CHL”
- Hospital de Bagatelle – Bordeaux (France)
- Hospital San Giovanni (Rome, Italy)
- Hospital Policlinico Umberto I (Rome, Italy)
- Hospital CTO de Roma (Rome, Italy)

Dr. Adalberto Rincón Gatica
Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, graduate of University of Monterrey. Monterrey, México.
Medical Specialist in General and Digestive Surgery
- Hospital Dr. López Cano (Spain, Cádiz)
- Hospital Universitario de Bellvitge. Barcelona
- Hospital Clinic. Barcelona
Dr. Marlo Sáen Gallo
Doctor of Medicine, graduate of Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia.
Medical Specialist in General and Digestive Surgery
- Hospital Dr. López Cano (Spain, Cádiz)
- Hospitalario Virgen del Rocío (Sevilla, Spain)
- Essalud Paramonga (Lima, Perú)

Dr. Wilson Manuel Sánchez Bautista
Doctor of Medicine, graduate of Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD).
Medical Specialist in General and Digestive Surgery
- Hospital Dr. López Cano (Spain, Cádiz)
- Hospital Viamed Bahía de Cadiz
- Hospital Clínica Novo Sancti Petri Chiclana
Clínica Los Alamos - Hospital Universitario de Jerez
- Hospital universitario Puerto Real
- Hospital Puerta del Mar, Cádiz.
- Centro Gerontológico AMMA-HUMANES de Madrid
- Hospital Central Fuerzas Armadas, Rep. Dom.